Create the tomorrow that you talked about yesterday.

Bentje Lehmann
My name is Bentje Lehmann and I am the founder of the fair trade fashion label BentjeDesign, based in Rostock. I passionately design unique, feminist shirts that convey strong messages. The topics that concern me flow directly into my designs, which are cheeky, feminist and humorous. I attach great importance to sustainability and print all of my products myself. My goal is to create fashion that not only looks good, but also makes you think and promotes empowerment
Feminism is...
... for me, a deep conviction and a lived feeling of freedom and self-determination. It is about everyone having the opportunity to develop in the way that feels right - without being restricted by gender roles or societal expectations. For me, feminism means having the right to be seen as a human being in my full diversity, beyond stereotypes or established norms. In my work as a fashion designer, I express this idea through clothing. For me, fashion is a language, a way to tell stories and encourage people to celebrate their bodies and identities in a self-determined way. For me, feminist fashion stands for defining not only beauty, but also strength, gentleness, contradiction and complexity. Fashion can empower women and everyone who identifies as a woman - it can be an expression of protest and pride at the same time. For me, feminism is a path that is constantly evolving, just like fashion. There is no end point, just new questions, new challenges and new forms of expression. My art is about creating a world where clothing not only adorns, but also provides the space where everyone can be visible and strong.
My feminist role model is...
... Vivienne Westwood
My favorite book is...
... I see Vulvas everywhere' by 'Lisa Frischemeier'
The best empowerment song is...
... BLOND - It couldn't be more beautiful right now
Viva La Vulva, because...... it celebrates the female body in its natural beauty and diversity, breaks taboos and is a powerful symbol of self-determination and empowerment. The slogan calls for femininity to be made visible and destigmatized in all its forms - it is a call for pride and acceptance. In my designs, "Viva la Vulva" stands for liberation from societal expectations and the encouragement to live one's own identity without shame. It is a statement for diversity, strength and self-love.
More about BentjeDesign: