Koralle stands for GENDER JUSTICE


Julia Deutsch, Lisa Henhofer, Juliane Lehmayer & Judith Kinzl

Koralle stands for GENDER JUSTICE. This means living a feminist and humanist life as a matter of course. To achieve this, we want to inspire people with a personal selection of art, literature and other fine things, detached from political debates. Enjoy reading!

Aside from their day jobs, Juliane Lehmayer, Lisa Henhofer, Judith Kinzl and Julia Deutsch have dedicated themselves to just one topic: feminist art and literature. As avid readers and cinema and theater lovers, they were driven by the question: what could a gender-equitable cultural scene look like and where are feminist visions already being lived? Starting with their Instagram book club @will_lesen, where they exclusively review FLINTA* literature, the desire to launch Austria's first feminist art and culture magazine arose. The four editors and friends live in Vienna and Linz.


Feminism is...

... Gender equality. A life free from binary gender stereotypes.

Our feminist role model is...

...Virginia Woolf.


Our favorite book is...

... "The Russian is one who loves birches" by Olga Grjasnowa.


The best empowerment song is...

... King from Florence and the Machine


Viva La Vulva, because...

... lived feminist visions and products must be brought to the fore in order to inspire and encourage imitators.


More about KORALLE: https://www.korallemag.at

© Isabella Simon

From left to right:
Julia Deutsch (Creative Direction), Lisa Henhofer (Literature Affairs), Juliane Lehmayer (Chief Editor), Judith Kinzl (Cultural Affairs)

Julia's, Lisa's, Juliane's & Judith's products

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