pussy power

Sophie Tschannett
Sophie Tschannett is the founder of Muschikraft and sells, among other things, pussy craft beer. Through her work as a social worker, she was often confronted with women affected by violence. She says that before that she totally underestimated the extent of violence women are exposed to in our society. These experiences and the intensive examination of patriarchal structures ultimately led to pussy power and her feminist journey, which will probably never end. It is a matter close to her heart to make the fight for intersectional feminism visible in the form of art, merch and beer. Old clichés and stereotypes entwine around the consumption of beer in particular. That's exactly what's being cleaned up now: beer is there for everyone and not just for men. Part of the proceeds benefit women-related projects, currently women's shelters in Austria.Feminism is...
... not just my beer. The fight for equality and gender justice affects us all. Honestly, since I've been dealing with feminist issues, I like myself and my life a lot more, even if it hasn't exactly gotten any easier.
My feminist role model is...
... Phu there are really many. Starting with Virgina Woolf, Pixie: Pamela Colman Smith to work colleagues and people around me.
My favourite book is...
... currently Identitti by Mithu Sanyal.
The best empowerment song is...
... the dancer by Ulla Meinecke.Viva La Vulva, because...
...it is very important that elementary school children are not only able to paint and think about penises but also about vulvas and all other forms of gender.