Come as you are

Photo @Tina


Tina Huber

I'm a creative mind with too many ideas. One such idea is Poemettes. What started as an outlet for my confused thoughts is now a collection of highly personal poems on individual and socially critical topics. It doesn't bother me much - but if it does, it does: This includes mental health, children's rights and feminism. For the future I wish for a world without outdated gender roles.

Feminism is...

... a complex way to a fair life for all people.

My feminist role model is...

... my mom, my aunt, my grandma - because they overcame amazing obstacles in their own way.

My favourite book is...

...Pope Joan - Donna Woolfolk Cross

The best empowerment song is...

... Fight Song - Rachel Platten.

Viva La Vulva, because...

... the penis has been celebrated long enough anyway.

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