
This list applies to products that are shipped by EMPOVVER. Additional or different shipping rates may apply for products that are shipped directly by the supplier. 

Country Cost Shipping service provider
Belgium € 15,- DPD
Bulgaria € 10,- Post
Denmark € 20,- DPD
Germany* € 9,- DPD
Estonia € 25,- Post
Finland € 25,- Post
France € 20,- DPD
Greece € 25,- Post
Ireland € 25,- Post
Italy € 20,- DPD
Croatia € 20,- DPD
Latvia € 25,- Post
Lithuania € 25,- Post
Luxembourg € 15,- DPD
Malta € 25,- Post
Netherlands € 15,- DPD
Austria* € 5,- DPD
Poland € 10,- Post
Portugal € 25,- Post
Romania € 25,- DPD
Sweden € 25,- Post
Slovakia € 15,- DPD
Slovenia € 15,- DPD
Spain € 25,- DPD
Czech Republic € 10,- Post
Hungary € 15,- DPD
Cyprus € 25,- Post


*Free shipping for purchases over €69.

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