Embodiment & Female Empowerment

Eva Teja Tschiderer
Eva Teja Tschiderer, BA is a cultural economist, meditation and mindfulness teacher, podcaster at "Women Fiercely Rooted" and an expert in cycle-oriented work. She accompanies women* on their way to conscious femininity. With her work she opens a space in which women* can come to a place of inner peace, to connect with their own strength and to embark on a personal path of development. She works in Vienna and online.
Feminism is...
...when people realize that the current structures are designed to benefit fewer white cis men and that we should change that.
My feminist role model is...
... dr Vandana Shiva.
My favourite book is...
... If women rose rooted.
The best empowerment song is...
... I am Woman - Emmy Meli.
Viva La Vulva, because...
it should be normal to talk about the menstrual cycle, to see vulva pictures and to adapt everyday and work structures to female* needs.
More about Eva Teja Tschiderer: www.eva-teja.at